Everyone’s case is as complex and unique as they are. As a potential new patient, you might find yourself with questions about our approach and technologies or ask yourself if we are the right fit for you. At Better Brain & Body, we offer a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation to answer your questions. To best answer these questions, we have developed a consultation request form for you to fill out. Having critical information about why you are contacting the office helps make the most out of the time. Our patient care coordinator will call you and set up a time for one of our doctors to personally reach out to discuss your health goals.

Once you book your neurological exam, our patient care coordinator will send you a new patient email with your appointment confirmation, a welcome letter with basic instructions, and a link for intake paperwork. In addition to your new patient paperwork, you will receive a second email with a link to an online brain assessment questionnaire. The paperwork and the questionnaire are extensive, and both play a vital role in familiarizing the doctor with your case before your initial visit. Therefore, please complete and return your intake paperwork as soon as you can.
After Better Brain & Body receives your completed intake paperwork and questionnaire, your physician will review your case prior to meeting you at the initial exam. The doctor may request previous medical records to gain the most comprehensive understanding of your medical history.
Your initial exam will last about two hours. To see what your exam will entail, check out this video. Having reviewed your intake paperwork, your doctor will ask any follow-up questions and take a detailed history to extend her knowledge of your case. Following a physical examination, the doctor will perform an extensive diagnostic evaluation that may include the following: Quantitative Electroencephalography (qEEG Brain Map), Video-oculography, RightEye assessment, Computerized Assessment of Postural Systems (CAPS/ balance analysis), and Interactive Metronome. The detailed history, physical exam, and diagnostic evaluation give the doctor a perfect window into how your brain functions, where your symptoms are coming from, and how to develop a treatment program that will give you the best chances for success.
Your doctor will review the findings from your exam and diagnostic tests. Then, because every brain is unique, your doctor will develop a rehabilitation program specific to your condition and needs.
Your second visit will last about 45-60 minutes. The doctor will deliver your report of findings, review all your test results with you and answer any questions you may have.
Your brain-based treatment program typically begins as soon as possible after the initial exam. In the initial care phase, we seek to stabilize signs and symptoms. The frequency and intensity of treatments will be established during your report of findings with the doctor.
The brain thrives on repetition, and our care plans are customized based on what your doctor thinks you can handle. In our first phase of care, our treatment plans usually range from a minimum of 3 visits/ week for 4-6 weeks to 2 visits/ day for 1-2 weeks consecutively. This varies from patient to patient and will be determined by your doctor. We will give you at-home exercises and therapies to perform independently, in-between visits. We consistently gauge your progress, and your doctor may adapt your treatment as your brain changes to ensure optimal results.
Therapy sessions will last approximately 75-90 minutes. Under most circumstances, you will be seen by your examining doctor each visit, but all of our doctors are trained similarly and work as a team. To accommodate the schedules, there may be some visits that you are seen by another doctor on our team.
For most patients, a reevaluation will be performed after 10 to 15 sessions. Your doctor will repeat diagnostic tests and compare these results to those during your initial evaluation. Your doctor will determine additional follow-up and maintenance treatment based on your progress.