Without a Doubt...
Without a doubt, most parents are good parents. But when it comes to raising a child with ADHD, good may not be enough. Not only can living with ADHD be difficult for the child but the parents as well. At Better Brain and Body we want to give you as a parent every advantage we can. Below are some tips we’ve found to help maximize the good days and minimize the bad days.
Know that ADHD is not the end.
All parents have high expectations and wishes for their children. And while ADHD doesn’t make their road to success easier, it is in no way a curse. Just look at people like Simone Biles, Justin Timberlake, Channing Tatum, Adam Levine, and Michael Phelps. All of which have been living with ADHD and gone on to great success.
That being said, it’s important to believe in your child’s future. Children have the ability to pick up on a parent’s frustration or resentment. As a result, they too can become discouraged. By having faith in you child’s ability, it will be much easier for you and your child to see it through the difficult times.
Don’t be too quick to say “No”.
As parents, we can’t say “yes” to everything. At certain times, we must say “no” to keep our children from doing something dangerous. However, it’s all too easy to start saying “no” as a reflex. If a child hears “no” too often they will be more prone to rebelling.
Should you find yourself doing so too frequently or quickly, try this exercise. Before answering, take a deep breath before responding. Should you still need to tell your child “no” do so in an affirmative manner to avoid confrontation.
Praise Good Behavior
No parent is perfect and as such, it's easy to overlook when a child is behaving positively. When this happens too often, the resulting negativity can impact all aspects of life, leaving your child feeling like they are walking on eggshells and with feelings of resentment.
A great way to avoid this is by looking for one positive behavior each day and praising your child for it. By doing so, you’ll be avoiding possibly years of resentment and also reinforcing positive behaviors.
It’s them, not the Meds
While medications may be necessary for some children, it’s important to teach your child that they’re not the only solution. It’s important to talk to your child about other ways they influence their behavior. This will not only help teach your child that they, not the meds, are accountable for their actions, but will also provide them with a greater feeling of control.
Pay attention to distractions
With television, the internet, phones, tablets, and everyday life, children are inundated with stimuli and possible distractions. As a result, it’s easy and more likely for parents to misjudge distractions for acts for defiance. Parents should take time to identify some of the more common distractions for their children and look for ways to minimize them and avoid conflict.
Take the Team Approach
Raising a child with ADHD can be very difficult at times. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, take the time to build a support system for both you and your child. Having the right people in place can help reinforce good behaviors, provide your child with others to turn to, and also provide you as the parent a bit of relief when times get tough.