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Peripheral Neuropathy: ReBuilder Therapy

Writer's picture: Dylan Golden, MADylan Golden, MA

Updated: Jun 18, 2024

Table of Contents:

What is ReBuilder Peripheral Neuropathy Therapy?

The ReBuilder is a medical device built by ReBuilder Medical Inc. since 1988. It is a highly qualified, noninvasive therapy approved by the FDA for the therapeutic treatment of peripheral neuropathy. With over 35 years of testing and equipment manufacturing, the therapy has proven to be one of the most effective and safest treatment options for peripheral neuropathy.

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral Neuropathy (PN), also called neuropathy, is a condition that negatively affects nerves in the Peripheral Nervous System. Peripheral nerves are located in the torso, legs, arms, feet, and hands outside the brain and spinal cord. The Peripheral Nervous System is a network of nerves that connects the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. It carries sensory information from the body to the brain and motor (body) movement commands from the brain to the body.

PN is the most common form of neuropathy that damages nerves and causes symptoms of pain, numbness, burning, stabbing, and tingling in various areas of the body, frequently the hands or feet. According to the NIH, over 20 million people in the U.S. suffer from peripheral neuropathy (n.d.). Unfortunately, PN has no cure, and the symptoms can range from mild to severe. However, PN can be treated through several interventions, including the ReBuilder, which we will discuss in this blog post today.

How Does The ReBuilder Work for Neuropathy?

The ReBuilder 2407 full therapy kit.

The ReBuilder is a handheld battery-powered device that's simple and easy to use and treats peripheral neuropathy via nerve stimulation. It is essentially a specialized TENS/EMS device that emits a 7.83 Hz frequency, the Earth's magnetic field frequency, and promotes various positive and mental benefits. The ReBuilder works by reading and analyzing the dysfunction of a patient's peripheral nerves. Symptoms of the dysfunction may include tingling, numbness, or pain. The device then sends the Hertz frequency of 7.83 to the peripheral nerves, encouraging self-regulation of the nerves to adapt to healthy nerve function over time. For immediate relief, the ReBuilder can alleviate pain in 30 minutes in the physically affected areas for 4 to 5 hours, but individual situations may differ. As a patient continues treatment over time, the pain will decrease in the long run, as the ReBuilder helps the nerves self-regulate to healthy levels of functioning. The therapy also helps improve blood circulation and is an effective pain and nerve therapy for the fingers, hands, arms, feet, legs, and other areas. Please consult your physician about the use of the ReBuilder to ensure proper treatment.

How is the ReBuilder Used at Better Brain & Body?

At Better Brain & Body, the ReBuilder is integral to our non-invasive pain management and nerve treatment for peripheral neuropathy. The ReBuilder consists of a small battery-powered device that connects to pads placed on the affected body part or a garment that helps conduct the nerve signals to the body part. Using the respective ReBuilder garment (like gloves or socks) with the therapy will yield a more effective treatment than simply placing the pads on the affected body area.

For example, our technicians place specialized gloves on patients with symptoms of neuropathy in their hands. The electrolyte solution is then applied to the gloves. The gloves are then connected to the battery-powered device and turned on. Starting at the lowest power output, the power will be increased and stopped when the patient feels a small sensation in the affected area while maintaining a significant level of comfort.

To see this treatment process, check out this video.

The Rebuilder conductive gloves on a patient's hands.

For the treatment of peripheral neuropathy of the feet, at Better Brain & Body, we utilize the ReBuilder's "footbath." Rebuilder Medical Inc. no longer carries this footbath in stock nor uses it in its products. Instead, their specialized sock garments have taken over the treatment of neuropathy in the feet. However, our clinic still uses the footbath, which involves a similar therapy process. The footbath is filled with warm water up to the ankles, and our technicians add an electrolyte solution to the water. Then, the connected pads are placed into the footbath. The connected pads do not need to be placed on the feet but must be touched with water to work. Then, the device is turned on, and the power level is adjusted until a patient feels a sensation in their body part while maintaining a certain level of comfort.

To see the ReBuilder footbath treatment setup process, check out this video.

The specialized conductive socks do a similar job to the footbath but leave little room for untreated areas, specifically between the toes. While this small absence of treatment area between the toes may be concerning to some people, the overall therapy of the feet using the conductive socks still effectively treats the symptoms of PN, according to Rebuilder Medical Inc.

Check out this video for setting up the ReBuilder using conductive socks to treat peripheral neuropathy symptoms in the feet.

Ease of Use and At-Home Use

All in all, setting up this therapy is not a complicated endeavor. It is a fast and straightforward process that anyone can follow on their own or with a loved one for at-home use. The ReBuilder is a therapy that requires a prescription from a doctor. If you are interested in how it may help you, fill out our contact form or call 704-752-8100 to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation with Dr. Alicia Brown to see if you qualify for a prescription.

The ReBuilder footbath used at our clinic. This is no longer sold by ReBuilder.

Is the ReBuilder Effective for Peripheral Neuropathy?

The ReBuilder is a pain-free therapy that has been extensively studied and observed in clinical settings with much data to support its function and success. The device was involved in a study conducted by Phillips and Wickham with 551 peripheral neuropathy patients experiencing nerve pain. The patients underwent treatment with the ReBuilder, and the results were staggering. 94% of patients experienced an improvement in their quality of life and their nerve pain symptoms. Similarly, the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) shared that they saw a 96% success rate in treating Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy with the ReBuilder among their patients (2010). The chairman of the CTCA also reported that the therapy was implemented in four other CTCA sites across the country to continue providing lasting relief to patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments who have chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (2010). Lastly, with an overwhelming success rate, The ReBuilder has allowed many patients to come off of their prescribed medications and avoid surgeries, making this device a cutting-edge therapy in the treatment of PN.

What Causes Peripheral Neuropathy?

Diabetes: Diabetes is one of the most common causes of PN due to how high blood sugar levels can damage nerves and nerve function.

Other Medical Conditions: Kidney, liver, and thyroid disease can all contribute to developing PN. Similarly, Lyme's Disease, HIV/Aids, and autoimmune diseases can trigger PN.

Medications: Certain medications can also cause PN, including chemotherapy drugs, antibiotics, specific pain relievers, and statin. Medications like statins can increase the probability of PN if used in the long term.

Injuries and Accidents: Physical trauma and injuries like car accidents, falls, and surgeries can also cause PN.

Environmental Toxins: Prolonged exposure to toxins, including heavy metals, solvents, and industrial chemicals, can cause PN.

Alcoholism: Alcohol, as widespread as it is, is medically considered a toxin to the body, and consuming large quantities over time can result in PN and nerve damage.

Nutritional Deficiencies: For some people, the lack of vitamins like B12 can also cause neuropathy.

Inherited Disorders & Unknown Causes: Some forms of neuropathy generally can be inherited, and sometimes the causes may be unknown.

Sleep Apnea: Dr. Mann, a podiatric doctor in South Florida, mentions that sleep apnea is a commonly overlooked cause of peripheral neuropathy (2021).

What are the Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy?





Muscle Cramps


Difficulty Walking

Balance & Coordination Issues

Changes in Skin Temperature

Changes in Hair Growth

Sexual Problems

Urinary Incontinence

Loss of Muscle Control

Foot Ulcers

Muscle Twitching

Loss of Feeling in Body Parts

Sleep Disturbances

Heat Intolerance

Decreased Quality of Life

Types of Peripheral Neuropathy:

Unfortunately, as there are many causes of PN, there are also different types that affect nerves outside the brain and spinal cord. This is also the primary form of neuropathy discussed in this blog post today. Other forms of neuropathy affect the nerves and areas of the body differently. Here is a list of various types of peripheral neuropathy:

- Motor Neuropathy

- Sensory Neuropathy

- Autonomic Nerve Neuropathy

- Combination Neuropathies

Despite the various types of PN, ReBuilder has been approved for the therapeutic use of PN, so an improvement in any type of neuropathy may be expected using this therapy. Similarly, symptoms of other neuropathies and even entirely different conditions like MS can benefit from this therapy. See the table below for different conditions that may improve using this therapy. HealthQuest and their webpage about ReBuilder Therapy made much of the list below possible.

What Conditions Does ReBuilder Help?

Many medical professionals using the ReBuilder have seen benefits in their neuropathy patients as well as in patients with other conditions such as:

Restless Leg Syndrome

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Idiopathic Neuropathy


Chemotherapy-induced Neuropathy

Charcot Marie-Tooth

​Piriformis Entrapment Syndrome.

Multiple Sclerosis




Muscle Pain

Parkinson's Disease

Erectile Dysfunction

Plantar Fasciitis


The ReBuilder 2407 versus ReBuilder 300

The ReBuilder 2407 and the ReBuilder 300 are basically the same device with one important distinction. Both models help treat peripheral neuropathy similarly and do not differ in their methods. The only difference between these two models is that the 2407 model can treat two body parts simultaneously, while the 300 can only treat one. In other words, the 2407 can treat the hands and the feet simultaneously, while the 300 can only treat one body part at a given time, just the hands, for example. At Better Brain & Body, we use the 2407 with the footbath that the company no longer sells.

The ReBuilder is a medical FDA-approved device that requires a prescription for its use. If you are interested in how this therapy may assist your peripheral neuropathy, or if you are undiagnosed and unsure if you have peripheral neuropathy, you can schedule an appointment online using the button below or give us a call at 704-752-8100 to set up a free 15-minute phone consultation with our lead physician, Dr. Alicia Brown.

Reviewed by Dr. Alicia Brown, DC, DACNB.


Mann, R. H. (2021, March 16). Sleep Apnea and Peripheral Neuropathy. DR. RICHARD H. MANN Doctor of Podiatric Medicine. Retrieved October 12, 2023, from

Phillips, D. B., Ph.D., Wickham, R., Ph.D., & Howe, J., DC (n.d.). Safety and Efficacy of the Rebuilder Electrical System in Treating Nerve Pain - Peripheral Neuropathy - 551 patients. Rebuilder Medical Inc. Retrieved October 5, 2023, from Phillips, D. B., Ph.D. (2010, October 25). CTCA Patients received pain relief using the ReBuilder® Electrical Stimulator. Rebuilder Medical Inc. Retrieved October 5, 2023, from National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (n.d.). Peripheral Neuropathy. National Institutes of Health. Retrieved October 5, 2023, from,for%20all%20forms%20of%20neuropathy.

(n.d.). ReBuilder Treatment. Health Quest. Retrieved October 5, 2023, from,arthritic%20pain%20and%20muscle%20soreness.


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