Please find the full price of each individual service on our Price List. Below, you will find our cost-saving wellness memberships!
Now is the time to upgrade your health at Better Brain & Body! Our wellness memberships make it affordable and more accessible to access our technologies and therapies that improve your long and short-term health and wellness goals! Whether you are a current patient or not, anyone can sign up for a wellness membership by filling out the form below.
These wellness membership packages are additional treatment options to the neurological, chiropractic, and other treatment packages we already offer.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions about our new wellness memberships! We can also be reached via a Chatbox on our live website. Please find our therapies here or at the bottom of this page.
If you’d like to sign up for a membership package, please call us at 704-752-8100 or click the button below to schedule a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation with Dr. Brown to see how we can help you.

Tier 1 Memberships:
Monthly Package: 1 chiropractic adjustment + one tier 1 service + 5% off additional services per month
BiWeekly Package: 2 chiropractic adjustments + 2 additional Tier 1 services + 10% off additional services per month
Weekly Package: 4 chiropractic adjustments + 4 additional Tier 1 services + 15% off additional services per month
Tier 2 Memberships:
Monthly Package: One Tier 2 Service + One Tier 1 Service + 5% off additional services per month
BiWeekly Package: Two Tier 2 Services + two Tier 1 services + 10% off additional services
per month
Weekly Package: Four Tier 2 Services + four Tier 1 services + 15% off additional services
per month
Just a reminder that these wellness membership packages are additional treatment options to the packages we already offer.