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Therabody RecoveryAir JetBoots Compression Therapy.




The Therabody RecoveryAir Jet Compression Boots are a wondrous technology in the recovery space, to say the least. Athletic teams and other athletes worldwide use this groundbreaking device to promote a recovery of the body like no other. Recently introduced to the general public, the wireless Therabody Compression Boots are paving the way for thousands of people to accomplish their fitness and health goals faster and safer than ever. 

How Do Therabody RecoveryAir JetBoots Work? 


The science behind Therabody's Boots is pretty straightforward, as they operate via compression therapy. This therapy involves using electrically compressed air around the muscles to stimulate various biological responses that positively impact the body. Specifically, compression boots aid in improving microcirculation or blood flow in the legs.


During exercise or workouts, metabolic wastes like hydrogen ions, lactic acid, and reactive oxygen species build up in the body, which we want to limit or eliminate after a workout if produced in larger quantities than the body can handle. With Therabody's compression boot therapy, the increased blood flow to the legs makes reducing and clearing these metabolic wastes from the body more efficient. This results in faster recovery times, less soreness, and repaired muscles.


Therabody's compression therapy relies on air and involves four inflatable overlapping chambers from the feet to the upper quads that exert pressure on the targeted body parts. The Therabody RecoveryAir JetBoots provide compression pressure to the legs, relieving the physical damage done to the body during a workout and assisting in proper recovery by eliminating metabolic waste through the body's lymphatic drainage system. This elimination process occurs as a response to increased blood microcirculation in the bloodstream, which wouldn't be achieved without compression boot technology.


What Are Metabolic Wastes and How Do They Impact Recovery? 


Metabolic wastes from exercise are not inherently bad and are a natural and necessary part of the body's metabolic process. When we exercise, the body produces metabolic waste byproducts that affect energy production and nutrient utilization during exercise. However, when these metabolic wastes become challenging for the body to eliminate, extra support is needed, such as using Therabody's RecoveryAir JetBoots.


Metabolic wastes in the legs can be challenging to eliminate from the body due to their location away from the heart. The heart has to pump blood down to the legs to clear these metabolic waste products and works hard to do so. This process can be accelerated with the use of compression therapy.


Metabolic Wastes:

  • Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS): Commonly known as free radicals, reactive oxygen species, like many other elements in the body, are necessary and an integral part of health. But when there is uncontrolled production of ROS, our cells, and tissues can be harmed by oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can contribute to damaged cells, proteins, and DNA, compromising short- and long-term health.

  • Carbon Dioxide: The body produces CO2 as a waste product while exercising. Our ability to offload or eliminate metabolic wastes like carbon dioxide is important for metabolic health. Similarly, your ability to offload carbon dioxide can determine the amount of physical output you can do. During exercise, oxygen intake will help offload carbon dioxide, which is one of the reasons our breathing rate increases during exercise, to get rid of the excess carbon dioxide (metabolic waste). Compression boots help this process of offloading metabolic wastes, encouraging healthy recovery. 

  • Acidosis: High-intensity exercise can cause acidosis when too much acid is in the body's fluids. As a result, hydrogen ions are produced in the muscles used during a workout and released into the bloodstream. Hydrogen ions can impair muscle contractions and limit high-intensity exercise. Symptoms of metabolic acidosis in exercise are muscle aches, burning or cramping, stomach discomfort, exhaustion, fatigue, tiredness, or weakness. 


Compression therapy assists in eliminating excess metabolic waste byproducts that the body has either produced in excessive amounts or is struggling to get rid of independently.


Compression Socks vs. Compression Boots: 


While compression socks can be used during or after a workout or for patients with POTS syndrome, they do not compare to the sophisticated compression technology offered by products like Therabody's RecoveryAir JetBoots. Compression socks provide a more passive experience with compression therapy, while boots like Therabody's offer more "active" compression and more noticeable results.


Therabody's compression boots stand out with advanced features, such as customizable pressure strength, duration, and focus, all controlled through a mobile app. This level of control allows for a more tailored recovery treatment.


Compression technology is often described as feeling like a massage, which sets it apart from traditional compression socks. This massage-like experience enhances the overall compression technology offered by the boots.


Ultimately, compression technology, like that provided by Therabody's RecoveryAir JetBoots, assists in a more effective active recovery from exercise and intense workouts than compression socks can achieve. The combination of advanced features, personalized control, and massage-like sensations makes compression boots superior for enhanced recovery.


Therabody RecoveryAir JetBoots Compression Therapy Benefits:


  • Boost Blood Circulation

  • Reduce Muscle Soreness

  • Decrease Swelling and Stiffness

  • Relieve Muscle Fatigue

  • Fast Recovery 

  • Safe Technology w/ Pressure Control 

  • Stimulation of Lymphatic Drainage System​​


How Does it Feel Using Therabody's RecoveryAir JetBoots Compression Therapy? â€‹


As mentioned earlier, compression boots provide a massage-like sensation by exerting air compression on the leg muscles. According to Therabody, these boots operate with a directional massage, beginning at the feet and moving upward toward the waist or upper quads. Afterward, the air is released. This sequential compression of the legs facilitates smooth blood flow throughout the body, supporting the heart's function and promoting increased blood circulation. This improved circulation helps to clear out metabolic wastes and brings in new, nutrient-dense blood, limiting the unwanted symptoms experienced after exercise.


How Can I Integrate Compression Boots Into My Exercise Routine?


Anytime directly after a workout or exercise protocol is an optimal time to use compression boots to offset the adverse effects of metabolic waste. If the exercise training was incredibly challenging, using Therabody's Compression boots immediately after training is best. We often hear that recovery happens before and after the workout when it comes to exercising and recovery. In addition to using compression boots after exercise, many users report also using them before a workout as a "warm-up." Using them during your warm-up makes sense as the boots improve blood flow and microcirculation, which prepares the body for safe exercise.  


Treatment sessions are 20, 40, or 60 minutes long.


If you are interested in how compression boot therapy may help you or a loved one, please call us at 704-752-8100 or click the button below to schedule a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation with our lead doctor, Dr. Alicia Brown. 

Therabody compression boots in use.
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